Sunday 13 September 2015

Real Time Defects in DotNet

Functional Issues

1. ADODB field Error is displaying in Payment Information Page.
2. Button are not working from some page ( Cancel button and Next button)
3. Buttons are enabled unnecessarily.
4. Calculation Error ( Qty * Unit Price )
5. Cannot access CDO.MESSAGE object error message is displaying when Click on the Send Button in Mail
Sending Page.
6. Cannot find table ' 0 ' error is displaying in View Cart Page.
7. Case Sensitive Error while login
8. Click on Index number under table structure was displaying ' Index is out of range errors ".
9. Cursor is not default to the Sign In button after User Name and Password in login screen.
10. Cursor is not default to the User name Field in login screen.
11. Data values in Height and Width Fields are interchanging from field to another row.
12. Details are not saving after filling the form
13. Empty or Null values are storing in the password field. This is happening on the subsequent unsuccessful
trails also.
14. Fields are not disabled for some selection.(Duration field should be disable whenever the user will select
the No Option Radio button)
15. Fields are not editable through the keyboard
16. Images are not displaying in some pages.
17. Indexing is not working
18. Input String was not In Correct Format error is coming when adding the item or form.
19. Menus are interchanging when for different type of login.
20. Microsoft OLEDB Error in Transaction Receipt Page.
21. Names was not displaying in the dropdown list
22. Object Reference is not Set instance object Error
23. Order Decline page is displaying click on buy now Button in Payment information Page.
24. Page Cannot be displayed error is appearing
25. Page Redirection Problem (Click on Home Link at the bottom of the page is Redirecting to Login Page).
26. Parser Error is displaying , when we click on some links
27. Payment Status is not updating even after payment also.
28. Popup window is not displayed when click on link.
29. Prescribed items in the next page are not saving upon selection in check box.
30. Run time error was displaying, when we click on Buttons.
31. Security Error - Order is placing for the Invalid card also, even though validation dialog box is displayed.
32. Table Format is not consistent and not visible in some pages.
33. Text Content repetition in some pages (html and aspx pages)
34. There is no row Position at 91 error displaying in View Details PAGE.
35. The Underlying connection was closed, unable to connect the Remote Server.
36. System. Invalid Cast Exception: Cast from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid. at

       Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StringType.FromObject(Object Value) at

37. More than one record with same details are creating for single " Add New Customer" entry
38. Click on URL link is displaying Runtime Error or Page Cannot Displaying error.
39. Cannot Find Table 0
40. Cannot use leading ... 􀂫 to exit above top directory
41. Configuration Error :
42. Potentially Dangerous Request. Form value was detected from the client.
43. Data Binder. Val:􀂶System.Data.DataRowView􀂶 does not contain a property with the name SHORT.
44. Accepting/displaying Empty data in table fields.
45. File or Assembly name Soap Client, or one of its dependencies was not found.
46. General Network error. Check your network documentation.
47. Http 500 Internal Server Error.
48. Input string was not in a correct format.
49. Invalid URI : The host name could not be parsed.
50. Keyword not supported:􀂶 ole db services􀂶
51. The log file for the database 􀂳wellness􀂴 is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some
log space.
52. Object reference not set to instance of object.
53. Parser Error.
54. Procedure 􀂵􀂵expects parameter 􀂵􀂵, which was not supplied.
55. HTTP 404 the resource cannot found error.
56. Runtime error.
57. Web server is unavailable.
58. String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
60. Violation of Unique Key constraint 􀂵􀂵. Cannot insert duplicate key in Object 􀂵􀂵.The statement has been
61. Value is either too large or too small for an Int32.
62. System.Exception
63. System.Oracle.OracleException
64. System.NullReferenceException

       SPIEstimation.Panelreport.bindreport() in D:\SPIEstimation\Panelreport.aspx.vb:line 242

65. System.ArrayIndexOutOfRangeException
66. System.ArgumentException
67. CODE is displayed on Application


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