Sunday 13 September 2015


1) How Does Run time data (Parameterization) is handled in QTP?
A) You can then enter test data into the Data Table, an integrated spreadsheet with the full functionality of Excel, to manipulate data sets and create multiple test iterations, without programming, to expand test case coverage. Data can be typed in or imported from databases, spreadsheets, or text files.

2) What is keyword view and Expert view in QTP?
A) Quick Test’s Keyword Driven approach, test automation experts have full access to the underlying test and object properties, via an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-trip synchronized with the Keyword View.
Advanced testers can view and edit their tests in the Expert View, which reveals the underlying industry-standard VBScript that Quick Test Professional automatically generates. Any changes made in the Expert View are automatically synchronized with the Keyword View.

3) Explain about the Test Fusion Report of QTP?
A) Once a tester has run a test, a Test Fusion report displays all aspects of the test run: a high-level results overview, an expandable Tree View of the test specifying exactly where application failures occurred, the test data used, application screen shots for every step that highlight any discrepancies, and detailed explanations of each checkpoint pass and failure. By combining Test Fusion reports with Quick Test Professional, you can share reports across an entire QA and development team.

4) To which environments does a QTP support?
A) Quick Test Professional supports functional testing of all enterprise environments, including Windows, Web, NET, Java/J2EE, SAP, Siebel, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Visual Basic, ActiveX, mainframe Terminal emulators and Web services.

5) What is QTP?
A) Quick Test is a graphical interface record-playback automation tool.   It is able to work with any web, java or windows client application. Quick Test enables you to test standard web objects and ActiveX controls. In addition to these environments, Quick Test Professional also enables you to test Java applets and applications and multimedia objects on Applications as well as standard Windows applications, Visual Basic 6 applications and .NET framework applications...
7) How QTP recognizes Objects in AUT?
 A) QuickTest stores the definitions for application objects in a file called the Object Repository.  As you record your test, QuickTest will add an entry for each item you interact with.  Each Object Repository entry will be identified by a logical name (determined automatically by QuickTest), and will contain a set of properties (type, name, etc) that uniquely identify each object. 
Each line in the QuickTest script will contain a reference to the object that you interacted with, a call to the appropriate method (set, click, check) and any parameters for that method (such as the value for a call to the set method).  The references to objects in the script will all be identified by the logical name, rather than any physical, descriptive properties.
8) What are the types of Object Repositorys in QTP?
A) QuickTest has two types of object repositories for storing object information: shared object repositories and action object repositories. You can choose which type of object repository you want to use as the default type for new tests, and you can change the default as necessary for each new test.

The object repository per-action mode is the default setting. In this mode, QuickTest automatically creates an object repository file for each action in your test so that you can create and run tests without creating, choosing, or modifying object repository files. However, if you do modify values in an action object repository, your changes do not have any effect on other actions. Therefore, if the same test object exists in more than one action and you modify an object's property values in one action, you may need to make the same change in every action (and any test) containing the object.
9) Explain the check points in QTP?
A) . A checkpoint verifies that expected information is displayed in a Application while the test is running. You can add eight types of checkpoints to your test for standard web objects using QTP.
·         A page checkpoint checks the characteristics of a Application
·         A text checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed in the appropriate place on a Application.
·         An object checkpoint (Standard) checks the values of an object on a Application.
·         An image checkpoint checks the values of an image on a Application.
·         A table checkpoint checks information within a table on a Application
·         An Accessiblity checkpoint checks the web page for Section 508 compliance.
·         An XML checkpoint checks the contents of individual XML data files or XML documents that are part of your Web application.
·         A database checkpoint checks the contents of databases accessed by your web site
      10)    In how many ways we can add check points to an application using QTP.
     A)   We can add checkpoints while recording the application or we can add after recording is completed using Active screen (Note : To perform the second one The Active screen must be enabled while recording).
     11)    How does QTP identifies the object in the application
    A)     QTP identifies the object in the application by Logical Name and Class.
For example :
The Edit box is identified by
Class: WebEdit
     12)    If an application name is changes frequently i.e while recording it has name “Window1” and then while running its “Windows2” in this case how does QTP handles?
   A)     QTP handles those situations using “Regular Expressions”.
    13)    What is Parameterizing Tests?
   A)     When you test your application, you may want to check how it performs the same operations with multiple sets of data. For example, suppose you want to check how your application responds to ten separate sets of data. You could record ten separate tests, each with its own set of data. Alternatively, you can create a parameterized test that runs ten times: each time the test runs, it uses a different set of data.
   14)    What is test object model in QTP ?
 A) The test object model is a large set of object types or classes that QuickTest uses to represent the objects in your application. Each test object class has a list of properties that can uniquely identify objects of that class and a set of relevant methods that QuickTest can record for it.
A test object is an object that QuickTest creates in the test or component to represent the actual object in your application. QuickTest stores information about the object that will help it identify and check the object during the
run session.
A run-time object is the actual object in your Web site or application on which methods are performed during the run session.
When you perform an operation on your application while recording, QuickTest:
identifies the QuickTest test object class that represents the object on which you performed the operation and creates the appropriate test object
reads the current value of the object’s properties in your application and stores the list of properties and values with the test object
chooses a unique name for the object, generally using the value of one of its prominent properties
records the operation that you performed on the object using the appropriate QuickTest test object method
For example, suppose you click on a Find button with the following HTML source code:
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Find" VALUE="Find">

QuickTest identifies the object that you clicked as a WebButton test object. It creates a WebButton object with the name Find, and records the following properties and values for the Find WebButton: It also records that you performed a Click method on the WebButton. QuickTest displays your step in the Keyword View like this:
QuickTest displays your step in the Expert View like this:
Browser("Mercury Interactive").Page("Mercury Interactive").WebButton("Find").Click

        15).    What is Object Spy in QTP?
A) Using the Object Spy, you can view the properties of any object in an open application. You use the Object Spy pointer to point to an object. The Object Spy displays the selected object’s hierarchy tree and its properties and values in the Properties tab of the Object Spy dialog box.

        16).  What is the Diff between Image check-point and Bit map Check point?
A) Image checkpoints enable you to check the properties of a Web image.
You can check an area of a Web page or application as a bitmap. While creating a test or component, you specify the area you want to check by selecting an object. You can check an entire object or any area within an object. QuickTest captures the specified object as a bitmap, and inserts a checkpoint in the test or component. You can also choose to save only the selected area of the object with your test or component in order to save disk Space For example, suppose you have a Web site that can display a map of a city the user specifies. The map has control keys for zooming. You can record the new map that is displayed after one click on the control key that zooms in the map. Using the bitmap checkpoint, you can check that the map zooms in correctly.
You can create bitmap checkpoints for all supported testing environments (as long as the appropriate add-ins are loaded).
Note: The results of bitmap checkpoints may be affected by factors such as operating system, screen resolution, and color settings.

17).How many ways we can parameterize data in QTP?

A)    There are four types of parameters:

Test, action or component parameters enable you to use values passed from your test or component, or values from other actions in your test.

Data Table parameters enable you to create a data-driven test (or action) that runs several times using the data you supply. In each repetition, or iteration, QuickTest uses a different value from the Data Table.

Environment variable parameters enable you to use variable values from other sources during the run session. These may be values you supply, or values that QuickTest generates for you based on conditions and options you choose.

Random number parameters enable you to insert random numbers as values in your test or component. For example, to check how your application handles small and large ticket orders, you can have QuickTest generate a random number and insert it in a number of tickets edit field.

18). How do u do batch testing in WR & is it possible to do in QTP, if so explain?

A) Batch Testing in WR is nothing but running the whole test set by selecting "Run Testset" from the "Execution Grid".The same is possible with QTP also. If our test cases are automated then by selecting "Run Testset" all the test scripts can be executed. In this process the Scripts get executed one by one by keeping all the remaining scripts in "Waiting" mode.

19). if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do u do?

Ans : Adhoc testing is done. It covers the least basic functionalities to verify that the system is working fine.

20). what does it mean when a check point is in red color? what do u do?

Ans : A red color indicates  failure. Here we analyze the the cause for failure whether it is a Script Issue or Envronment Issue or a Application issue.

23). what do you call the window testdirector-testlab?

Ans : "Execution Grid". It is place from where we Run all Manual / Automated Scripts

24). How do u create new test sets in TD

Ans: The Test Object Model is a large set of object types or classes that QTP uses to represent the objects in your application. Each test object class has a list of properties that can uniquely identify objects of that class and a set of
relevant methods that QTP can record for it.
 A test object is an object that QTP creates in the test to represent the actual object in your application. QTP stores information about the object that will help to identify and check the object during the test run.
 A run-time object is the actual object in your Web site or application on which methods are performed during the test run

25). Explain in brief about the QTP Automation Framework

Automation frame work is nothing but a set of rules defined for developing and organizing the test scripts.
Automation framework is a process to develop the automation scripts and reduce maintenance. This framework completely depends on the application, types of testing and tools that you are using. It’s hard to provide generalized framework for all applications:
In general, 
Create reusable scripts
Create modular scripts and drive scripts from external data.
There are different types of frame work are available namely modularized type of framework, library based, data driven, keyword driven and hybrid framework.
You can use any of these frame work for automation. It depends on the project and how critical it is. If the project is big and has got many modules then u can choose hybrid kind of framework.
Hybrid means its combination of other different framework in order to maintain our code/scripts. you can choose some external files for updation of fields in the projects/application(say excel sheets or text files) and u need to import the file to the script, so whenever u want to update the script by different set of value you just need to update the external files which will effect on the automation script.

26). How to retrieve data from excel sheet by checking column name and its value & next column and its value (without using keyword view) scripting only?

1).        Import the excel sheet to your datatable. Then use a for loop like
for i=1 to row_cnt
2).      You can simply access the excell sheet (not import) by using the script. See bellow example:
          Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
          Set objWorkbook = objExcel.WorkBooks.Open("path of yourfile.xls")
          Set objDriverSheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets("name of the sheet")
           ‘’’’’’’’’’then just acces the cell itself :
          row = 1
          I used just default column names by A,B,C,......

27). I m setting the excel sheet path in QTP for importing as:datatable.importsheet "C:Qtpabc.xls”, but if the location of excel sheet path changes to for eg:"D:Data"...the script fails as proper excel sheet path is not given.
Can you please suggest how to use a environment variable/xml file to remove data path hard coding??

You can use Action and Test parameters to parameterize the hard coded value of Excel sheet path, or even you can go for Environment variables.

1). Using Test and Action parameter:  Follow following procedure

Go to Test Settings-> Parameters-> define the input parameters (for ex: path)
As Test parameter can't be used directly in Test script, go to Corresponding Action and right click
and go to Action properties and define Action parameter to use. (for ex: path1) then go to Action Call Properties-> and set value for defined action parameter as Test parameter(in value column for    that parameter  click  on the '<>' to set value and set Test parameter as parameter type and set "path" variable to Action parameter(path1) and use same action parameter in the  datatable.import sheet statement datatable.importsheet path1

When we run the Test we can give the path of Excel sheet in "Run dialog box->Parameters”.

2). Using of Environment variable

Define an environment variable in Test->settings->Environment parameters
Select parameter type as "User defined" from list box and define the parameter and use directly in datatable.importsheet statement. Here we need to give value of path before executing the script.

28). How do I use text checkpoint in QTP as every time I use this checkpoint in the excel sheet and highlight the text I want to check, the results will always display fail even tough the string can be found in the excel sheet.
Using GetROProperty get text from the object store it in variable and get text from the excel store it in one variable.  Use Trim method to those variables and try to compare those two variables. 

Doubt No.1
Any one who knows about export and import of data from QTP Global Data Table to Office Excel and Office Excel to QTP Global Data Table?
At 1st I have placed the data in QTP Global Data Table.
Later I am exported the data to the Office Excel Sheet.
I am not able to retrieve the data from the Office Excel Sheet.

Doubt No.2
Instead of placing the data in the QTP Global Data Table. I wanted to Store the data directly in office Excel Sheet and call the data back into QTP while I am running the Script


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