Sunday 6 September 2015

QTP-Analyzing Test Results & Reporting

QTP-Analyzing Test Results & Reporting

Analyzing Test Results & Reporting

Analyzing the Test Result is not a responsibility of QTP. After Running Tests, User (Test Engineer) has to analyze the test result. and send defect reports.

QTP Result Window:

After Running/Executing a test, then QTP Provide result window. we export test result from result window in Document (.Doc), HTML, XML and PDF formats.
Note: QTP doen’t provide batch wise test result, if we execute test batches. It provides test wise result only.
Status of the Result:
QTP has 4 types of result status
a) Pass
b) Fail
c) Done
d) Warning
Defining our own Result:
Generally QTP provides, test results, if we use qtp tool features like checkpoints. suppose if we use flow control statements (conditional and Loop statements), then we have to define our own result.
For defining our own results, QTP is providing an utility object called “Reporter
by using reporter, we can define our own results.
Reporter.ReportEvent status of the Result,”Result Step”,”message”
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,”Res”,”Login operation Successful”
Reporter- Utility object
micPass-Status of the Result.
Res-Result step
“Login operation Successful”- Message
Status of the Result:
1) Pass -micPass or 0
2) Fail  -micPass or 1
3) Done- micDone or 2
4) Warning- micDone or 3


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