Sunday 6 September 2015

QTP-Debugging Tests

QTP-Debugging Tests
Debugging Tests

Debugging is a process of executing the script or a program in a User designed fashion with some temporary break points in order to identify the errors.

For debugging, QTP is providing debug commands and breakpoints.

Debug Commands:

1)  Step Into (short cut key F11):

  1. It starts execution
  2. It executes one statement at a time.
  3. If it is function call, it opens the function, after that it executes one statement at a time.

2) Step Over (Short cut key F10):

a) It executes one statement at a time after execution starts
b) It executes all functions statements at a time

Note: After opening the function, if we use step over it executes one statement at a time only.

3)  Step Out (shift +F11):

It executes all remaining statements in a function at a time.

Ex: Dim a,b,c
msgbox c
msgbox “hello”
Call hyderabad
msgbox “bye bye”

Note: Create a script and work on it

Break Point:

This feature is used for breaking the execution temporarily.


Place cursor in desired location >Debug menu>Insert/Remove break point


Use short cut key (F9)

Place mouse pointer before the statement and click.

Note: If we want to execute Some part of the Test Script at a time and some other part of the test script step by step, there we can use breakpoints.

Debug viewer Pane:

It is used for viewing, modifying or setting the value of the variables during the execution break with the help of 3 Tabs.

  1. Watch
  2. Variables
  3. Command

Note: Through Debug Viewer Pane, We can watch variables whether the variables are taking correct values or not at a specific point of time. We can change Values of Variables temporarily.

Ex :
Dim x,y,z
msgbox z
msgbox “Hello”
msgbox z
msgbox “bye bye”

Navigation: View menu > Debug Viewer > Use step into feature.


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