Tuesday 21 April 2015

VB Script

VB Script Examples :

Q1.print this pattern


strVal = 54321
For IntCounter = len(strVal) to 0 step -1
msgbox Left(strVal,IntCounter)

ans2: (or)

strVal = 54321
for IntIcounter = len(strVal) to 1 step -1
strInd= Left(strVal,IntIcounter)
strFinal = strFinal + strInd &VBCRLF
msgbox strFinal

Q2: print hits pattern



strVal = 54321
For IntCounter = len(strVal) to 0 step -1
msgbox right(strVal,IntCounter)

Q3: print hits pattern



for i=1 to lstring
msgbox mid("12345",1,i)

Q4: print htis pattern



for i=1 to lstring
msgbox mid("*****",1,i)

What is Manual Testing

Manual Testing:

Showing posts with label SOFTWARE TESTING. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

software testing types

Testing Types

Installation testing
Main article: Installation testing

An installation test assures that the system is installed correctly and working at actual customer's hardware.

Compatibility testing

Main article: Compatibility testing

A common cause of software failure (real or perceived) is a lack of its compatibility with other application software, operating systems (or operating system versions, old or new), or target environments that differ greatly from the original (such as a terminal or GUI application intended to be run on the desktop now being required to become a web application, which must render in a web browser). For example, in the case of a lack of backward compatibility, this can occur because the programmers develop and test software only on the latest version of the target environment, which not all users may be running. This results in the unintended consequence that the latest work may not function on earlier versions of the target environment, or on older hardware that earlier versions of the target environment was capable of using. Sometimes such issues can be fixed by proactively abstracting operating system functionality into a separate program module or library.

Smoke and sanity testing

Sanity testing determines whether it is reasonable to proceed with further testing.

Smoke testing is used to determine whether there are serious problems with a piece of software, for example as a build verification test.

Regression testing

Main article: Regression testing

Regression testing focuses on finding defects after a major code change has occurred. Specifically, it seeks to uncover software regressions, or old bugs that have come back. Such regressions occur whenever software functionality that was previously working correctly stops working as intended. Typically, regressions occur as an unintended consequence of program changes, when the newly developed part of the software collides with the previously existing code. Common methods of regression testing include re-running previously run tests and checking whether previously fixed faults have re-emerged. The depth of testing depends on the phase in the release process and the risk of the added features. They can either be complete, for changes added late in the release or deemed to be risky, or be very shallow, consisting of positive tests on each feature, if the changes are early in the release or deemed to be of low risk.

Acceptance testing

Main article: Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing can mean one of two things:
A smoke test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a new build to the main testing process, i.e. before integration or regression.
Acceptance testing performed by the customer, often in their lab environment on their own hardware, is known as user acceptance testing (UAT). Acceptance testing may be performed as part of the hand-off process between any two phases of development.[citation needed]

Alpha testing

Alpha testing is simulated or actual operational testing by potential users/customers or an independent test team at the developers' site. Alpha testing is often employed for off-the-shelf software as a form of internal acceptance testing, before the software goes to beta testing.

Beta testing

Beta testing comes after alpha testing and can be considered a form of external user acceptance testing. Versions of the software, known as beta versions, are released to a limited audience outside of the programming team. The software is released to groups of people so that further testing can ensure the product has few faults or bugs. Sometimes, beta versions are made available to the open public to increase the feedback field to a maximal number of future users.[citation needed]

Functional vs non-functional testing

Functional testing refers to activities that verify a specific action or function of the code. These are usually found in the code requirements documentation, although some development methodologies work from use cases or user stories. Functional tests tend to answer the question of "can the user do this" or "does this particular feature work."

Non-functional testing refers to aspects of the software that may not be related to a specific function or user action, such as scalability or other performance, behavior under certain constraints, or security. Testing will determine the flake point, the point at which extremes of scalability or performance leads to unstable execution. Non-functional requirements tend to be those that reflect the quality of the product, particularly in the context of the suitability perspective of its users.

Destructive testing

Main article: Destructive testing

Destructive testing attempts to cause the software or a sub-system to fail. It verifies that the software functions properly even when it receives invalid or unexpected inputs, thereby establishing the robustness of input validation and error-management routines.[citation needed] Software fault injection, in the form of fuzzing, is an example of failure testing. Various commercial non-functional testing tools are linked from the software fault injection page; there are also numerous open-source and free software tools available that perform destructive testing.
Further information: Exception handling and Recovery testing

Software performance testing

Performance testing is generally executed to determine how a system or sub-system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload. It can also serve to investigate, measure, validate or verify other quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.

Load testing is primarily concerned with testing that the system can continue to operate under a specific load, whether that be large quantities of data or a large number of users. This is generally referred to as software scalability. The related load testing activity of when performed as a non-functional activity is often referred to as endurance testing. Volume testing is a way to test software functions even when certain components (for example a file or database) increase radically in size. Stress testing is a way to test reliability under unexpected or rare workloads. Stability testing (often referred to as load or endurance testing) checks to see if the software can continuously function well in or above an acceptable period.

There is little agreement on what the specific goals of performance testing are. The terms load testing, performance testing, scalability testing, and volume testing, are often used interchangeably.

Real-time software systems have strict timing constraints. To test if timing constraints are met, real-time testing is used.

Usability testing

Usability testing is needed to check if the user interface is easy to use and understand. It is concerned mainly with the use of the application.

Accessibility testing

Accessibility testing may include compliance with standards such as:
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Security testing[edit]

Security testing is essential for software that processes confidential data to prevent system intrusion by hackers.

Internationalization and localization

The general ability of software to be internationalized and localized can be automatically tested without actual translation, by using pseudolocalization. It will verify that the application still works, even after it has been translated into a new language or adapted for a new culture (such as different currencies or time zones).

Actual translation to human languages must be tested, too. Possible localization failures include:
Software is often localized by translating a list of strings out of context, and the translator may choose the wrong translation for an ambiguous source string.
Technical terminology may become inconsistent if the project is translated by several people without proper coordination or if the translator is imprudent.
Literal word-for-word translations may sound inappropriate, artificial or too technical in the target language.
Untranslated messages in the original language may be left hard coded in the source code.
Some messages may be created automatically at run time and the resulting string may be ungrammatical, functionally incorrect, misleading or confusing.
Software may use a keyboard shortcut which has no function on the source language's keyboard layout, but is used for typing characters in the layout of the target language.
Software may lack support for the character encoding of the target language.
Fonts and font sizes which are appropriate in the source language may be inappropriate in the target language; for example, CJK characters may become unreadable if the font is too small.
A string in the target language may be longer than the software can handle. This may make the string partly invisible to the user or cause the software to crash or malfunction.
Software may lack proper support for reading or writing bi-directional text.
Software may display images with text that was not localized.
Localized operating systems may have differently named system configuration files and environment variables and different formats for date and currency.

Development testing

Main article: Development Testing

Development Testing is a software development process that involves synchronized application of a broad spectrum of defect prevention and detection strategies in order to reduce software development risks, time, and costs. It is performed by the software developer or engineer during the construction phase of the software development lifecycle. Rather than replace traditional QA focuses, it augments it. Development Testing aims to eliminate construction errors before code is promoted to QA; this strategy is intended to increase the quality of the resulting software as well as the efficiency of the overall development and QA process.

Depending on the organization's expectations for software development, Development Testing might include static code analysis, data flow analysis metrics analysis, peer code reviews, unit testing, code coverage analysis, traceability, and other software verification practices.

software test plan

Test plan

A test specification is called a test plan. The developers are well aware what test plans will be executed and this information is made available to management and the developers. The idea is to make them more cautious when developing their code or making additional changes. Some companies have a higher-level document called a test strategy.

Traceability matrix

A traceability matrix is a table that correlates requirements or design documents to test documents. It is used to change tests when related source documents are changed, to select test cases for execution when planning for regression tests by considering requirement coverage.

Test case

A test case normally consists of a unique identifier, requirement references from a design specification, preconditions, events, a series of steps (also known as actions) to follow, input, output, expected result, and actual result. Clinically defined a test case is an input and an expected result.[42] This can be as pragmatic as 'for condition x your derived result is y', whereas other test cases described in more detail the input scenario and what results might be expected. It can occasionally be a series of steps (but often steps are contained in a separate test procedure that can be exercised against multiple test cases, as a matter of economy) but with one expected result or expected outcome. The optional fields are a test case ID, test step, or order of execution number, related requirement(s), depth, test category, author, and check boxes for whether the test is automatable and has been automated. Larger test cases may also contain prerequisite states or steps, and descriptions. A test case should also contain a place for the actual result. These steps can be stored in a word processor document, spreadsheet, database, or other common repository. In a database system, you may also be able to see past test results, who generated the results, and what system configuration was used to generate those results. These past results would usually be stored in a separate table.

Test script

A test script is a procedure, or programing code that replicates user actions. Initially the term was derived from the product of work created by automated regression test tools. Test Case will be a baseline to create test scripts using a tool or a program.

Test suite

The most common term for a collection of test cases is a test suite. The test suite often also contains more detailed instructions or goals for each collection of test cases. It definitely contains a section where the tester identifies the system configuration used during testing. A group of test cases may also contain prerequisite states or steps, and descriptions of the following tests.

Test fixture or test data

In most cases, multiple sets of values or data are used to test the same functionality of a particular feature. All the test values and changeable environmental components are collected in separate files and stored as test data. It is also useful to provide this data to the client and with the product or a project.

Test harness

The software, tools, samples of data input and output, and configurations are all referred to collectively as a test harness.

software testing

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects).

Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product: meets the requirements that guided its design and development, works as expected, can be implemented with the same characteristics, and satisfies the needs of stakeholders.

Software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the software development process. Traditionally most of the test effort occurs after the requirements have been defined and the coding process has been completed, but in the Agile approaches most of the test effort is on-going. As such, the methodology of the test is governed by the chosen software development methodology.

Testing can never completely identify all the defects within software. Instead, it furnishes a criticism or comparison that compares the state and behavior of the product against oracles—principles or mechanisms by which someone might recognize a problem. These oracles may include (but are not limited to) specifications, contracts,comparable products, past versions of the same product, inferences about intended or expected purpose, user or customer expectations, relevant standards, applicable laws, or other criteria.

A primary purpose of testing is to detect software failures so that defects may be discovered and corrected. Testing cannot establish that a product functions properly under all conditions but can only establish that it does not function properly under specific conditions. The scope of software testing often includes examination of code as well as execution of that code in various environments and conditions as well as examining the aspects of code: does it do what it is supposed to do and do what it needs to do. In the current culture of software development, a testing organization may be separate from the development team. There are various roles for testing team members. Information derived from software testing may be used to correct the process by which software is developed.

Every software product has a target audience. For example, the audience for video game software is completely different from banking software. Therefore, when an organization develops or otherwise invests in a software product, it can assess whether the software product will be acceptable to its end users, its target audience, its purchasers and other stakeholders. Software testing is the process of attempting to make this assessment.

Defects and failures 

Not all software defects are caused by coding errors. One common source of expensive defects is requirement gaps, e.g., unrecognized requirements which result in errors of omission by the program designer. Requirement gaps can often be non-functional requirements such as testability, scalability, maintainability, usability, performance, and security.

Software faults occur through the following processes. A programmer makes an error (mistake), which results in a defect (fault, bug) in the software source code. If this defect is executed, in certain situations the system will produce wrong results, causing a failure.Not all defects will necessarily result in failures. For example, defects in dead code will never result in failures. A defect can turn into a failure when the environment is changed. Examples of these changes in environment include the software being run on a new computer hardware platform, alterations in source data, or interacting with different software. A single defect may result in a wide range of failure symptoms.

Input combinations and preconditions

A very fundamental problem with software testing is that testing under all combinations of inputs and preconditions (initial state) is not feasible, even with a simple product. This means that the number of defects in a software product can be very large and defects that occur infrequently are difficult to find in testing. More significantly, non-functional dimensions of quality (how it is supposed to be versus what it is supposed to do)—usability, scalability, performance, compatibility, reliability—can be highly subjective; something that constitutes sufficient value to one person may be intolerable to another.

Software developers can't test everything, but they can use combinatorial test design to identify the minimum number of tests needed to get the coverage they want. Combinatorial test design enables users to get greater test coverage with fewer tests. Whether they are looking for speed or test depth, they can use combinatorial test design methods to build structured variation into their test cases.Note that "coverage", as used here, is referring to combinatorial coverage, not requirements coverage.


Software testing can be done by software testers. Until the 1980s, the term "software tester" was used generally, but later it was also seen as a separate profession. Regarding the periods and the different goals in software testing,[12] different roles have been established: manager, test lead, test analyst, test designer, tester, automation developer, and test administrator.

Static vs. dynamic testing

There are many approaches to software testing. Reviews, walkthroughs, or inspections are referred to as static testing, whereas actually executing programmed code with a given set of test cases is referred to as dynamic testing. Static testing can be omitted, and in practice often is. Dynamic testing takes place when the program itself is used. Dynamic testing may begin before the program is 100% complete in order to test particular sections of code and are applied to discrete functions or modules. Typical techniques for this are either using stubs/drivers or execution from a debugger environment.

Static testing involves verification whereas dynamic testing involves validation. Together they help improve software quality.

The box approach

Software testing methods are traditionally divided into white- and black-box testing. These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test engineer takes when designing test cases.

White-Box testing

Main article: White-box testing

White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent box testing and structural testing) tests internal structures or workings of a program, as opposed to the functionality exposed to the end-user. In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit, e.g. in-circuit testing (ICT).

While white-box testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels of the software testing process, it is usually done at the unit level. It can test paths within a unit, paths between units during integration, and between subsystems during a system–level test. Though this method of test design can uncover many errors or problems, it might not detect unimplemented parts of the specification or missing requirements.

Techniques used in white-box testing include:
API testing (application programming interface) – testing of the application using public and private APIs
Code coverage – creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage (e.g., the test designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program to be executed at least once)
Fault injection methods – intentionally introducing faults to gauge the efficacy of testing strategies
Mutation testing methods
Static testing methods

Code coverage tools can evaluate the completeness of a test suite that was created with any method, including black-box testing. This allows the software team to examine parts of a system that are rarely tested and ensures that the most important function points have been tested.[21] Code coverage as a software metric can be reported as a percentage for:
Function coverage, which reports on functions executed
Statement coverage, which reports on the number of lines executed to complete the test

100% statement coverage ensures that all code paths, or branches (in terms of control flow) are executed at least once. This is helpful in ensuring correct functionality, but not sufficient since the same code may process different inputs correctly or incorrectly.

Black-box testing

Main article: Black-box testing

Black box diagram

Black-box testing treats the software as a "black box", examining functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation. The tester is only aware of what the software is supposed to do, not how it does it. Black-box testing methods include: equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-pairs testing, state transition tables, decision table testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, use case testing, exploratory testing and specification-based testing.

Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the applicable requirements.This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be provided to the tester, who then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value (or behavior), either "is" or "is not" the same as the expected value specified in the test case. Test cases are built around specifications and requirements, i.e., what the application is supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software, including specifications, requirements, and designs to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional.

Specification-based testing may be necessary to assure correct functionality, but it is insufficient to guard against complex or high-risk situations.

One advantage of the black box technique is that no programming knowledge is required. Whatever biases the programmers may have had, the tester likely has a different set and may emphasize different areas of functionality. On the other hand, black-box testing has been said to be "like a walk in a dark labyrinth without a flashlight."Because they do not examine the source code, there are situations when a tester writes many test cases to check something that could have been tested by only one test case, or leaves some parts of the program untested.

This method of test can be applied to all levels of software testing: unit, integration, system and acceptance. It typically comprises most if not all testing at higher levels, but can also dominate unit testing as well.

Visual testing

The aim of visual testing is to provide developers with the ability to examine what was happening at the point of software failure by presenting the data in such a way that the developer can easily find the information he or she requires, and the information is expressed clearly.

At the core of visual testing is the idea that showing someone a problem (or a test failure), rather than just describing it, greatly increases clarity and understanding. Visual testing therefore requires the recording of the entire test process – capturing everything that occurs on the test system in video format. Output videos are supplemented by real-time tester input via picture-in-a-picture webcam and audio commentary from microphones.

Visual testing provides a number of advantages. The quality of communication is increased dramatically because testers can show the problem (and the events leading up to it) to the developer as opposed to just describing it and the need to replicate test failures will cease to exist in many cases. The developer will have all the evidence he or she requires of a test failure and can instead focus on the cause of the fault and how it should be fixed.

Visual testing is particularly well-suited for environments that deploy agile methods in their development of software, since agile methods require greater communication between testers and developers and collaboration within small teams.[citation needed]

Ad hoc testing and exploratory testing are important methodologies for checking software integrity, because they require less preparation time to implement, while the important bugs can be found quickly. In ad hoc testing, where testing takes place in an improvised, impromptu way, the ability of a test tool to visually record everything that occurs on a system becomes very important.[clarification needed][citation needed]

Visual testing is gathering recognition in customer acceptance and usability testing, because the test can be used by many individuals involved in the development process.[citation needed] For the customer, it becomes easy to provide detailed bug reports and feedback, and for program users, visual testing can record user actions on screen, as well as their voice and image, to provide a complete picture at the time of software failure for the developer.
Further information: Graphical user interface testing

Grey-box testing

Main article: Gray box testing

Grey-box testing (American spelling: gray-box testing) involves having knowledge of internal data structures and algorithms for purposes of designing tests, while executing those tests at the user, or black-box level. The tester is not required to have full access to the software's source code.[28][not in citation given] Manipulating input data and formatting output do not qualify as grey-box, because the input and output are clearly outside of the "black box" that we are calling the system under test. This distinction is particularly important when conducting integration testing between two modules of code written by two different developers, where only the interfaces are exposed for test.

However, tests that require modifying a back-end data repository such as a database or a log file does qualify as grey-box, as the user would not normally be able to change the data repository in normal production operations.[citation needed] Grey-box testing may also include reverse engineering to determine, for instance, boundary values or error messages.

By knowing the underlying concepts of how the software works, the tester makes better-informed testing choices while testing the software from outside. Typically, a grey-box tester will be permitted to set up an isolated testing environment with activities such as seeding a database. The tester can observe the state of the product being tested after performing certain actions such as executing SQL statements against the database and then executing queries to ensure that the expected changes have been reflected. Grey-box testing implements intelligent test scenarios, based on limited information. This will particularly apply to data type handling, exception handling, and so on.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Types of Automation Frameworks in QTP

Types of Automation Frameworks in QTP
Automation framework is designed to ease the process of test automation using QTP. Automation framework helps from scalability point of view. It is very easy to automate the test cases using automation framework rather than ad hoc approach.
There are mainly 3 types of Automation Frameworks in QTP
Keyword Driven Framework
Data Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework
Keyword Driven Framework  :
In Keyword Driven Framework , Importance is given to functions than Test Data. when we have to test multiple functionality we can go for keyword frameworks. Each keyword is mapped to function in QTP library and application.
DATA Driven Framework :
In data driven framework, importance is given to test data than multiple functionality of application. We design data driven framework to work with applications where we want to test same flow with different test data.
Hybrid Framework -
This is the combination of keyword and data driven frameworks.
After analyzing the  application, you can decide what kind of framework best suits your needs and then you can design automation framework in QTP.
Please find below Some QTP Interview Questions from CTS
1. The following example uses the SetNextRow method to change the active row to the next row in the run-time Data Table. DataTable.SetNextRow
2. Browser("Welcome:= Mercury").Page("Welcome:= Mercury").WebEdit(EditDesc).Set "MyName"
3. DotNetFactory (System.Environment, System.DateTime, System.Collection)
var_my= DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Environment")
msgbox var_my.CurrentDirectory
Dim SystemDate , oDate
Set SystemDate = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance("System.DateTime")
Set oDate = SystemDate.Parse("Fri, 9 Oct 2009")
FormattedDate = oDate.Day & "/" & oDate.Month & "/" & oDate.Year
msgbox FormattedDate
The .NET SortedList class provides a hash table with automatically sorted key/value pairs.
The following code creates a SortedList and populates it with some key/value pairs:Set objSortedList = Dotnetfactory.CreateInstance ( "System.Collections.Sortedlist" )
4. How to create environment variable - Environment.Value("MyVariable")=10
5. How to access Environment Variable - MyValue=Environment.Value("MyVariable")
RepositoriesCollection Object in QTP
 RepositoriesCollection Object is used to associate or disassociate shared object repositories to QTP at run time
At the beginning of a run session, the RepositoriesCollection object contains the same set of object repository files as the Associated Repository Files tab of the Action Properties dialog box. The operations you perform on the RepositoriesCollection object affect only the run-time copy of the collection.
You use the RepositoriesCollection object to associate or disassociate shared object repositories with an action during a run session.
RepositoriesCollection Methods
Add   - Add .tsr file to current action in test
Find  - Find the index position of .tsr file in collection
MoveToPos  - Change the position of  repository
Remove   - Remove repository from current action in test
RemoveAll  - Remove all repositories from current action in test
RepositoriesCollection Properties
Count   - Get the total number of .tsr files associated to current action in test
Item   - gets the path of the tsr file located in the specified index position.
 We can add any number of .tsr files to current action in test at run time.
Example -
RepPath = "c:\Mercury\my.tsr"
Pos = RepositoriesCollection.Find(RepPath)
RepositoriesCollection.Add(RepPath)    ' add tsr filr
Pos = RepositoriesCollection.Find(RepPath)

Friday, 16 August 2013

Manual Testing

In this blog we will help you geting some knowledge about Manual testing.
First of all i wanna tell you this my first blog. So Lets get started with Manual Testing.

First question that comes to mind is
Q.what do you mean by Testing?
Ans.Testing - It basically means Quality Control and Quality Control measure the quality of product or software now questions comes.

Q. What do you mean by Manual Testing?
Ans:-Manual Testing means testing a software manually to find the defects .The role of end user is played by the tester and use most of the features or functionality to ensure the correct behavior of the application.

now we discuss about the SDLC

Q. What is SDLC?
Ans:- SDLC is a process of building an application through different phases.
  Here The phases are 5 types, they are: - Requirement Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Maintenance.

Lets Discuss about the phases of SDLC

1.Requirement Analysis -It basically deals with the concept what the customer wants?.This is the entry point of the software product. This phase ends with an SRS(SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION).

The Requirement Phase has three stages:

1.1Problem Analysis
The goal of problem analysis is to obtain a clear understanding of the requirements of the client and the users. This involves interviewing the client and the end users.  

  2.1Requirement Specification(SRS):This is a result of a successful problem analysis. The SRS makes an Agreement between the user(client) of the system and the developer on what the software product will do.

3.1Requirement Validation
Validation of requirement is necessary to fill out some small gaps in the SRS. It validates whether the requirement specification document does not have any error in it. The common errors that may occur are incorrect fact , inconsistency and ambiguity(where their is no meaning for the requirement).

2.Design - System analysis leads to design decision, which exactly determines how the system operates in terms of process, data, hardware, network infrastructures, user interface, and other important factors in the system environment

3.Coding- It is used to develop the product or software what customer asks for

4. Maintenance - There are two goals of Maintenance in SDLC:
1. Increase the ability of the software
2.avoidance of failures.

Better Adaptability of the Software – SDLC’s idea of maintenance is very beneficial not only to the developers but also for the software itself. With the use of available data, developers will learn something new. In this account, they will be able to apply this knowledge to the software.

Although any developer would not wish for a problem, it poses a great opportunity to learn more about the industry and release updates to combat problems once and for all. The end result of constant updates will be a better software that can adapt to the changing environment. When a business spends thousands of dollars on project development, they expect more from the software. Maintenance will ensure that the software will last for a very long time.

Avoidance of Failures – Maintenance does not only ensure that the problem will be fixed but maintenance should prevent the same event from happening again. Software will always have that “learning” property as long as they are handled well by the developers. Developers will often work on the problem and at the same time give updates on the system to prevent failures. It is essential for developers to release updates especially if the software is an important part of the business.

5.Testing - Testing used to ensure the correct behaviour of the application we are working on.

NOW,We will talk about the SDLC Models

There are 7 SDLC Models
1.Built & Fix Model
2.Waterfall Model
3.Iterative Model
4.Prototyping Model
5.Spiral Model
6.RAD Model

Lets discuss each Model one by one

1.Built & Fix Model 

 This model is the worst model developing a project. In this the product or software is built without proper specifications and design steps .In essence, the product is built and modified as many times as possible until it satisfies the client or customer.

the cost of using this model is really high
2.Waterfall Model

Waterfall approach was first Process Model to be introduced and followed widely in Software Engineering to ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process of Software development is divided into separate phases.
The phases in Waterfall model are: Requirement Specifications phase, Software Design, Implementation and Testing & Maintenance. All these phases are cascaded to each other so that second phase is started as and when defined set of goals are achieved for first phase and it is signed off, so the name "Waterfall Model". All the methods and processes undertaken in Waterfall Model are more visible. of software development is divided into separate process phases.

3.Iterative Model

In this model the project is divided into the release or increments and a end product is obtained.
In this until and unless we deliver the 1st release or increment we cannot start with the 2nd release or increment of product